Academic Staff
Tim Bedding
Tim Bedding
Stellar oscillations (asteroseismology), using data from NASA’s Kepler and TESS missions.
A recipient of the University of Sydney's Excellence in Teaching Award.
View Tim’s academic profile HERE
Joss Bland-Hawthorn
Joss Bland-Hawthorn
Galactic archaeology and physical processes in galaxies, both observations and simulations.
Key member of the GALAH and SAMI/Hector surveys.
Project scientist for the SAIL labs which develop photonic instruments for telescopes and industry.
View Joss’s academic profile HERE
Céline Boehm
Céline Boehm
Céline Boehm is an astroparticle physicist working at the interface of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. She is trying to discover what dark matter is made of.
View Celine’s academic profile HERE
Julia Bryant
Julia Bryant
High redshift radio galaxies, galaxy evolution and astrophotonic developments for astronomical instrumentation, in particular imaging fibre bundles called hexabundles.
Leads the team building the Hector instrument for the Anglo-Australian Telescope.
View Julia’s academic profile HERE
Manisha Caleb
Manisha Caleb
Using localised Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) as cosmological probes.
Measuring the distribution function of dispersion measure in the FRB population to help understand how baryons are distributed with respect to galaxy halos, in combination with UV and X-ray absorption-line surveys.
Using integral field spectroscopy to better characterize the local environment of FRBs, including their host dispersion measure contribution and exploring how future FRBs at high redshift can be used as probes for helium reionisation.
Scott Croom
Scott Croom
Cosmology and the formation and evolution of galaxies.
The study of quasars and active galactic nuclei and the use of spatially resolved spectroscopy to further our understanding of galaxy evolution.
Leads the SAMI Galaxy Survey.
View Scott's academic profile HERE
Anne Green
Emeritus Professor
Anne Green
Emeritus Professor
The structure and ecology of the Milky Way Galaxy and its various constituents, via radio frequency surveys, including searches for supernova remnants and OH masers.
Studies of the Carina Nebula, including its HI and molecular gas.
The UTMOST project to detect and characterise Fast Radio Bursts with the Molonglo Telescope.
View Anne’s academic profile HERE
Daniel Huber
Daniel Huber
Studies the fundamental properties and demographics of exoplanets by combining observations from ground-based telescopes and NASA Missions. He also conducts research on the structure and evolution of stars and stellar populations in our galaxy.
Helen Johnston
Associate Professor
Helen Johnston
Associate Professor
Stellar remnants like neutron stars and black holes, particularly those in binary star systems.
The supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies.
View Helen’s academic profile HERE
Sergio Leon-Saval
Associate Professor
Sergio Leon-Saval
Associate Professor
Sergio Leon-Saval develops optical and photonic instruments for cubesats, for astronomical telescopes and for commercial applications. He is Director of the SAIL labs, the experimental arm of SIfA.
View Sergio’s academic profile HERE
Geraint Lewis
Geraint Lewis
Geraint Lewis explores the influence of dark energy and dark matter on the evolution and ultimate fate of the Universe. He also uses gravitational lensing to probe the structure of dark matter in galaxies.
View Geraint’s academic profile HERE
Don Melrose
Emeritus Professor
Don Melrose
Emeritus Professor
Plasma astrophysics, especially coherent emission processes in astrophysical plasmas.
Quantum plasmadynamics.
Pulsar radio emission mechanism.
The theory of solar flares.
View Don’s academic profile HERE
Tara Murphy
Tara Murphy
Radio astronomy.
Radio transients and variables. Co-lead of the transients project on the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP). Interest in gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, pulsars, flare stars, exoplanets.
Leads the Australian effort in radio follow-up of gravitational wave events.
Interdisciplinary work in machine learning and big data.
Teaches computational science and data science with a particular interest in online teaching and teaching innovation.
View Tara’s academic profile HERE
John O’Byrne
Associate Professor
John O’Byrne
Associate Professor
Research using high resolution ground-based optical telescopes and interferometers, specifically Adaptive Optics, Optical Stellar Interferometry (including Sydney University Stellar Interferometer - SUSI), multi-band optical filters for astronomy, multi-wavelength imaging of nearby face-on spiral galaxies and measuring magnetic fields on the Sun.
Physics and Astronomy Education research.
View John’s academic profile HERE
Elaine Sadler
Elaine Sadler
Galaxy evolution; co-evolution of massive galaxies and their central black holes.
Low-luminosity radio galaxies: demographics, triggers and lifetime in the radio-galaxy phase.
Neutral hydrogen in and around early-type galaxies.
Searches for high-redshift galaxies.
Radio source populations at 20-100 GHz.
Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.
Design and planning for next-generation telescopes.
View Elaine’s academic profile HERE
Peter Tuthill
Peter Tuthill
Development of novel technologies to image the theatres of stellar birth and death, revealing the cradles of solar system formation. Lead of a space telescope project to find exoplanets around stars in our immediate galactic neighbourhood.
View Peter’s academic profile HERE
Mike Wheatland
Mike Wheatland
Solar astrophysics.
Solar flares and solar activity, the statistics of that activity, coronal magnetic fields, solar-terrestrial relations, and Bayesian probability.
Modelling magnetic fields in the Sun's corona using nonlinear force-free fields.
Computational modelling.
View Mike’s academic profile HERE
Postdoctoral Research Staff
Dr Aditya JNHS
Dr Aditya JNHS
Understanding the role of neutral hydrogen and molecular gases in the development of AGN.
Redshift evolution of HI 21-cm absorbers, over z ~ 0 to 5.
Radio interferometric, single dish and VLBI spectroscopy.
Optical and millimetre synergies in understanding of HI 21-cm absorbers.
Dr Barnaby Norris
Dr Barnaby Norris
Instrumentation (specifically high contrast imaging, astrophotonics, interferometry and polarimetry), planet formation and stellar mass-loss
View Barnaby’s academic profile HERE
Dr Christopher Betters
Dr Christopher Betters
The development (design, construction, characterisation, and implementation) of cutting-edge compact optical instruments that harness the latest photonic technologies, originally for astronomical applications. Using techniques and methods I developed for astronomy to tackle a broader range of problems in academia and industry, specifically in remote earth observation and agriculture.
View Christophers’s academic profile HERE
Dr Courtney Crawford
Dr Courtney Crawford
Asteroseismology with particular interests in the modeling and analysis of post-merger stars, spectral classification, and spectral analysis, especially of exotic stellar variables.
Dr Laura Driessen
Dr Laura Driessen
A radio astronomer who works on searching for radio stars, image-plane radio variable and transient sources, and localising fast radio bursts. She works with the ASKAP and MeerKAT telescopes and is co-Project Scientist of the Variables and Slow Transients with ASKAP (VAST) survey. Laura is also part of the ThunderKAT and MeerTRAP collaborations. She is currently a Superstar of STEM.
Dr Madusha Gunawardhana
Dr Madusha Gunawardhana
The formation and evolution of massive stars, HII regions and star formation in the nearby Universe.
The stellar initial mass function, massive stellar populations and galaxy evolution.
The stellar population synthesis and photoionisation modelling.
Integral field spectroscopy using VLT-MUSE, SAMI and Hector surveys, and spectroscopy using GAMA and 4HS surveys.
Dr May Gade Pedersen
Dr May Gade Pedersen
Asteroseismology of massive stars, with special focus on studying their internal element and angular momentum transport mechanisms.
Variable stars in OB associations and ensemble modelling of their pulsating stars.
Providing observational constraints for stellar structure and evolution models.
Dr Eckhart Spalding
Dr Eckhart Spalding
Developing and commissioning instrumentation for high-contrast infrared observations, particularly for understanding exoplanets and their formation environments. These techniques include exoplanet direct imaging with adaptive optics, and infrared interferometry.
Dr Thorsten Tepper García
Dr Thorsten Tepper García
Galaxy formation and evolution: Constrained numerical simulations, analytic models
Quasar absorption lines: Cosmological simulations, spectroscopy
View Thorsten's academic profile HERE
Dr Elizabeth Iles
Dr Elizabeth Iles
Ties with galactic archaeology and resolving the history of galaxies/galaxy formation and evolution, as well as galaxy interactions/mergers.
Dr Nastaran Farhang
Dr Nastaran Farhang
Solar Physics. Solar coronal features particularly solar flares and coronal loops (statistics & modelling). Cellular automaton and self-organized criticality. Complex Networks.
I've extensively applied data mining and numerical modelling techniques to study various aspects of the Sun's atmosphere, including solar flares, magnetic field evolution, and solar atmospheric features. My current research includes energy balance in avalanche models, statistical methods for analyzing power-law distributions, network-based studies of solar flares, and the study of quasi-periodic pulsations and active regions on the Sun's surface.
Dr Kyriakos Tapinou
Dr Kyriakos Tapinou
Data-driven models of solar eruptions. MHD and MFP plasma simulations.
I’m a plasma physics and solar astrophysics researcher, specialising in numerical modelling of plasmas and fluids. My current research focus is on modelling solar eruptions with data-driven simulations. I am interested in plasma physics, astrophysics, fusion energy, hypersonics, and plasma based propulsion for space exploration.
Dr Prasad Mani
Dr Prasad Mani
I apply deep-learning techniques to analyze δ-Scuti pulsations from NASA/TESS.
Additionally, I do feature engineering to construct realistic datasets for training deep-learning models.
Dr Yong Yang
Dr Yong Yang
Galactic Archaeology of the Milky Way.
My research interests are the formation and evolution of substructures: moving groups in the Galactic disk, globular clusters and stellar streams in the Galactic halo.
I also work with data from Gaia, LAMOST, SEGUE, APOGEE, GALAH and other surveys.
Dr Dougal Dobie
Dr Dougal Dobie
My research includes follow-up of gravitational wave events with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), searching for exotic radio transients with ASKAP, and using the ATCA to study the radio emission of relativistic transients discovered at other wavelengths.
Astralis and Engineering Staff
Adam Taras
Optomechanical Engineer
Adam Taras
Optomechanical Engineer
Adam completed his B Engineer (Mechatronics with Space Major) / B Science (Physics) studies in 2022 at The University of Sydney. He is currently interested in the design and implementation of a novel fringe tracking instrument at VLTI as well as differentiable optical simulations for image reconstruction.
Connor Langford
Spacecraft Engineer
Connor Langford
Spacecraft Engineer
Connor recently completed his B Engineering Honours (Mechatronics/Space) and B Science (Physics) studies at The University of Sydney. His current interests lie in developing fine tip-tilt control electronics and co-designing a novel diffractive pupil for the TOLIMAN Space telescope.
Zinat Sathi
Optomechanical Engineer
Zinat Sathi
Optomechanical Engineer
Zinat was awarded her Ph.D. from the Phonics and Optical Communications Group at UNSW where she was an Australian Leadership Awardee (2011-2015). Her research interests are special silica optical fibres and devices (rare-earthed doped optical fibres, fibre lasers and fibre amplifiers), spectral characterisation, photonic experiment design and implementation.
PhD and Masters Students
Emily Kerrison
Emily Kerrison
Current area of study/thesis title: "Probing young active galaxies at intermediate redshift"
For more information about this project, please contact this student's supervisor Elaine Sadler and Tara Murphy.
Fiona Wei
Fiona Wei
Current area of study/thesis title: "Photonic Lantern as focal plane wavefront sensor"
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor SERGIO LEON-SAVAL
Filip Chatys
Filip Chatys
Current area of study/thesis title: "Asteroseismology"
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor TIMOTHY BEDDING
Gurashish Bhatia
Gurashish Bhatia
Current area of study/thesis title: "Innovative Instrumentation for Astronomical Spectroscopy"
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor JULIA BRYANT
Huimin Qu
Huimin Qu
Thesis title: Reconstructing the dark matter properties of lensing galaxies in the strong gravitational lensing regime.
Lucinda Lilley
Lucinda Lilley
Current area of study/thesis title: "Applications of Machine Learning to Stellar Interferometry"
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor PETER TUTHILL
Liroy Lourenco
Liroy Lourenco
Current area of study/thesis title: "Radio frequency interference mitigation for astronomy with phased array feeds"
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor TARA MURPHY and MICHAEL WHEATLAND
Max Charles
Max Charles
Nada Salama
Nada Salama
Thesis title: Gravitational Microlensing of the Galactic Centre Gamma-Ray Excess.
Qingshan Yu
Qingshan Yu
Current area of study/thesis title: "FBGs in Multicore Optical Fibres for Astrophotonics"
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor SERGIO LEON-SAVAL
Simon Weng
Simon Weng
Current area of study/thesis title: "Gas in and around Galaxies at intermediate redshift."
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor ELAINE SADLER
Sujeeporn (Susie) Tuntipong
Sujeeporn (Susie) Tuntipong
Current area of study/thesis title: "Understanding the Milky Way through studying analogues with integral field spectroscopy"
For more information about this project, please contact this student's supervisors SCOTT CROOM and JESSE VAN DE SANDE.
Smrithi Gireesh Babu
Smrithi Gireesh Babu
Thesis title: Shedding Light on Dark Matter with Stellar Shells.
Stephanie Rossini-Bryson
Stephanie Rossini-Bryson
Thesis title: The glimmer of alien worlds: astrophotonic imaging for exoplanetary discovery.
Yifan Mai
Yifan Mai
Current area of study/thesis title: "The relationship between the rotation of SAMI galaxies and the motion of their neighbouring galaxies."
For more information about this project, please contact this students supervisor SCOTT CROOM.